Love is the always answer


Outrage, anger, frustration — those are the raw feelings pervading the U.S. today. As I view the scenes of protests on the news, I’m struck by how much love the nation needs right now. Then, I remind myself that we already have that love, in abundance. 

The past two months have brought countless acts of love and compassion throughout the U.S., as people stepped up to keep family, friends and neighbors safe through the ongoing pandemic. Now, that outpouring is needed more than ever as the country responds to the tragic impacts of racism. Many times in recent weeks, that love has shone through moments of increased understanding of others, with most people having a bit more time to learn and connect. Perhaps that will help lay the groundwork for larger solutions that are needed. 

In this life, sometimes problems come our way because we are ready to solve them. The U.S. could be facing such a moment now. We don’t know what the solution looks like or whether official institutions will change, but we know what won’t work. Today at his daily press briefing, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo quoted Maya Angelou’s words: “Hate has caused a lot of problems in the world, but it has not solved one yet.” 

That perfectly makes the case for using love to make progress. We all have more similarities than differences, and going forward, it will be so important to use the good that unites us to take steps forward, together. Loving our neighbor is the key to solving any divides, including racial. And we can start doing so right here, right now. 

— Gareth Henderson


Seeking real change


Dining outside