Dining outside
People enjoy the outdoor dining experience on Saturday afternoon at The Prince & The Pauper in Woodstock, Vermont. (Gareth Henderson Photo)
Restaurants in Vermont have been able to offer outdoor dining, under restrictions, for just over a week, and those serving outside have found customers enthusiastic to enjoy a meal in the fresh spring air.
In Woodstock, the Prince and the Pauper was one of the first in this region to give it a try. The restaurant had its soft launch of patio outdoor dining on Friday, May 22, shortly after getting final requirements in order. The last time the P&P had outdoor dining was 15 years ago, said co-owner Liz Schwenk. Longtime bartender Clemens Steinrisser was serving customers outside at the time — and now he is again.
“We were joking, it’s really come full circle,” Schwenk said.
Seating times are available from 4 to 6:45 p.m. by reservations only. Customers are asked to wear masks as they are arriving or leaving, but can take them off when seated. The five tables are spaced apart at the required 10 feet. Most of the tables are for two, and seating times are staggered for safety and also for staff, Schwenk said. She said customers have been great about following the rules.
The big theme is, people are happy to see each other, especially after having to stay at home for so long. Some families have been eating at the P&P for two or three generations.
“We’re so lucky with the amazing customers we have,” Schwenk said, noting many have gotten take-out orders for weeks. “It’s so nice to see their faces again.”
That was also the common sentiment when some local retail shops reopened in mid-May, and people were thrilled to come in and talk with their local shop owners in person again.
“It really feels like the community has wrapped its arms around each other,” Schwenk said.
The Prince and The Pauper can be reached at 802-457-1818 and online at www.princeandpauper.com. The take-out option remains available.
— Gareth Henderson