Swanson defeats Davies in Woodstock Select Board bid
Woodstock Town Hall in Woodstock, Vermont. (Gareth Henderson Photo)
Joe Swanson cruised to victory on Tuesday, defeating Woodstock Select Board incumbent Jill Davies by a decisive 541-400 tally.
In a statement Tuesday evening, Swanson said he was “overwhelmed by the amount of support and trust” from Woodstock voters.
“I am looking forward to being a part of a respectful Select Board that achieves success through cooperation and inclusiveness,” Swanson said. “All of us will work to maintain the charm and warmth of Woodstock while acting in a financially prudent manner.”
In an interview Tuesday night, Davies said she was sorry not to be continuing her work on the board, but she wished Swanson well in his upcoming three-year term. She also emphasized the need to work together.
"I know it's been a difficult campaign for the community, and I really hope we can build some bridges together and create one resilient community," Davies said.
Swanson, a Woodstock Police sergeant and Army veteran, is the son of the late Phil Swanson, Woodstock's longtime municipal manager. Davies, who has many years of experience as a management consultant, had served four years on the Select Board and was seeking her third term.
In other election news, Ray Bourgeois was uncontested in his bid for a two-year seat on the Select Board. In the race for first constable, incumbent Kelly Linton notched a 638-122 victory over challenger Devon Kurtz. All ballot items passed, including the town and school district budgets.
— Gareth Henderson