The unexpected joy

The crescent moon lingers on Saturday morning, as seen from Woodstock, Vermont. (Gareth Henderson Photo)

A crescent moon lingers before sunrise on Saturday in Woodstock, Vermont. (Gareth Henderson Photo)

Artists thrive on the unexpected — those moments of sudden beauty, change or illumination of thought. You never know what will catch your eye.

This morning, the lingering crescent moon caught my eye while taking a walk. It’s a simple shape we’ve all seen before, not anything like the full moon, but unique in its grace. Its greeting came amid a frigid morning and brought a serenity to the cold, expressing the calm, certain persistence of nature.

In today’s world, that peaceful persistence is reassuring. It underscores the importance of seeking harmony within ourselves, even when we’re going through a struggle, or hearing news about the many challenges people are facing today.

A wonderful way to establish a sense of peace is by accepting each day as a new day, and living in, and honoring, the present moment with an openness to unexpected good. That openness today got me a chance to photograph the moon, and later on, to enjoy some cross-country skiing. I hadn’t planned on either one, but in many ways, the unexpected joy leads to the most fulfilling moments in life. Those moments lead to enriching possibilities, new connections, and new ways to experience the world. They can all bless us in beautiful ways, and it’s always worth keeping the door open to them.

— Gareth Henderson


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