The Vermont I know


Fair, reasonable and kind: Throughout my 18 years as a journalist in this state, I’ve learned Vermonters have all three of those qualities, and they’re often expressed to others. Most of the time I’ve covered a public discussion, even a debate, they were on display. They’ve made me proud to be here, and I still am.

But today, on the national level, these values are facing headwinds, and you see this most clearly through our politics. Sad to say, it doesn’t seem there’s much that can’t be politicized today. Our better angels seem very much under siege, and one can find fresh examples of this overwhelming trend every hour, broadcasted far and wide by the 24-hour news cycle. 

While those situations continue on, however, so does our strength as Vermonters, because to express loving qualities as a community over a long period of time takes strength. And all of those qualities are worth defending. They are especially important now, given the major issues we now face together. 

It is certainly a point of pride to look at Vermont’s coronavirus numbers, which include the lowest caseload in the country. To me, that is the result of Vermonters banding together to do the right thing and support one another during this crisis. So far, the state has also managed to control several small outbreaks, but remains firm on travel restrictions, noting the surges in cases around the country. 

Clearly, points of progress, though significant, are just one part of the picture. The economic challenges loom large, as a partially-opened statewide economy struggles greatly. That said, the qualities that sustained us as we pitched in to help one another in the early days of this pandemic, are still within us. Since they remain, let’s reflect on them and draw on the strength they impart. With that, we will get to tomorrow, meet our challenges and be truly better, together. 

— Gareth Henderson


Summer rolls on


The need for relief