The value of gratitude

A countryside scene off Cloudland Road in Pomfret, Vermont. (Gareth Henderson Photo)

A countryside scene off Cloudland Road in Pomfret, Vermont. (Gareth Henderson Photo)

As the wintry air settles in and we celebrate Thanksgiving, we're moved to ponder the value of gratitude. In a year like this one, it's a quality that renews our push toward progress like nothing else can.

In a way, 2020, through its myriad challenges, has seeded the garden of gratitude very well. In the darkest of times, the light in our life shines brighter, illuminates other things to be grateful for, and presents us with more hope for the future. Central to that hope are the blessings closest to us, and the support of friends and family — even from afar — has been so meaningful this year. At the community level, we've seen people step up for their neighbors, whether it's showing up to volunteer in person, or donating to a local relief effort. As the months have gone on, we've perhaps even gained relationships or connections we never had before, and had the chance to strengthen long-standing ones.

As we remember these points of gratitude, they strengthen us with their light, even now. The power of a grateful heart is real. There is nothing small about the inspiration it propels, or the hope it cultivates. It moves us to share thoughts of gratitude with others, which amplifies the goodness in our lives, uplifts people, and opens pathways to progress we may not have seen before. That's surely a pattern we can all embrace and nurture together, and the best gift we can impart on Thanksgiving 2020.

— Gareth Henderson


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