The home we all share


We've been blessed by the beauty of our natural surroundings, especially over the past four months. Indeed, the scenic quality of nature, even if viewed for a moment, has been a constant comfort during these times. It's dependable; spring and summer always arrive.

As we all remember, the first signs of spring were uniquely magical this year. That first robin on the tree by the window, that first flower sprouting, made one pause to see and hear nature saying, "This one thing is still the same." Those powerful moments helped us carry hope forward into one more day, and into the next.

Those signs assured us of something else: Summer was on its way. With nature welcoming us outside after these long weeks, it's no surprise to see so many people getting outside in Vermont and throughout the wider region. Sometimes, it seems like every other car passing by carries a few kayaks or bicycles. Local trails are popular now, and any body of water is a chance for folks to get relief from the strong summer heat. Of course, the local region's natural beauty is a draw in any warm season, and that's still true now, though tourism is down overall amid travel restrictions. That said, the visitors who are able to come up are very much out and about enjoying the mountains and valleys that make up this outdoor haven we call home. 

Having all these beautiful surroundings right in our backyard is truly special, and this year is reminding us how important nature is, wherever we are. It’s important because it connects us all —we live within it, not separate from it. And so, it’s up to us all to be good stewards of the environment, because it really is our home, that collective, beating heart of the world we all share. 

— Gareth Henderson


Pandemic relief bill introduced


Onward, with grace