Vermont Gareth Henderson Vermont Gareth Henderson

Woodstock Village to vote on cannabis ballot item

On March 24, voters will decide whether to allow cannabis retailers to do business in Woodstock Village.  Click below for more details.

On March 24, voters will decide whether to allow cannabis retailers to do business in Woodstock Village. 

A total of nine items will be on the village ballot, and, unlike past years, all items on the village warning will be decided by Australian ballot. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on March 24 at Woodstock Town Hall. 

A public informational meeting will be held this Tuesday, March 15, at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall and on Zoom. Read the Village Report by clicking here.

By state law, cities and towns have to vote whether to allow cannabis sales in their communities. If communities approve it, businesses can start applying for a state license on April 1. A state board will review the license requests.

Woodstock's town and village are separate governing bodies, and, earlier this month at town meeting, town voters decided to "opt in" for allowing cannabis retail establishments. That means cannabis retailers who apply for a state license and meet the requirements, will be able to do business in the town.

However, the village — like any municipality — must hold its own vote to opt in or out, and that happens on March 24. Village Trustees Chair Jeff Kahn wanted village voters to understand that the town's vote does not impact the village, and village voters on March 24 still get to decide whether or not to authorize cannabis retail sales within the village limits.  

"I think there's been quite a bit of confusion (on that point)," Kahn said.

In response to recent questions from voters, Kahn added that, if the village votes to opt in for cannabis retail sales, the village will not see any new tax money as a result. All additional tax money from those sales will go to the state, and the same is true for the town.

In other business for March 24 village voting: Two candidates are running unopposed for seats on the Village Trustees board. Incumbent Brenda Blakeman is seeking reelection for a three-year term, and Gabe DeLeon is running for a two-year term. Incumbent Daphne Lowe, who has served for two years as a trustee, is not seeking reelection.

— Gareth Henderson

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