Woodstock Village mask ordinance amended to align with state
In the Village of Woodstock, people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 no longer have to wear masks indoors or outdoors, or stay socially distanced from others. Businesses are allowed to have stricter rules if they so choose.
The Village Green in Woodstock, Vermont. (Gareth Henderson Photo)
In the Village of Woodstock, people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 no longer have to wear masks indoors or outdoors, or stay socially distanced from others.
At a special meeting held on Zoom, the Woodstock Village Trustees unanimously voted Monday evening to make this change, in accordance with the state of Vermont’s amendment to its mask mandate last Friday. “Fully vaccinated” means that two weeks have passed since a person’s final vaccine dose.
Those who are not fully vaccinated must still follow the village mask ordinance — which allows people to un-mask outdoors as long as they can maintain a social distance of six feet. This also matches the state’s policy. People who aren’t fully vaccinated must still wear masks at all indoor spaces serving the public. Businesses are allowed to have stricter rules if they so choose.
Businesses and events operating outdoors must still adhere to mask requirements under the Vermont Forward reopening plan. See more details here. The state aims to remove its mask rule and all pandemic restrictions by July 4, and the Village Trustees expect to suspend their ordinance when that happens.
At Monday’s meeting, there was no discussion of the mask ordinance after a motion was made and seconded, and Trustees quickly got to the 5-0 vote. The Woodstock Town Select Board, which has a resolution in line with the village ordinance, had previously voted to support the trustees in their mask ordinance changes and keep the resolution aligned with state guidance. The Select Board’s next meeting is Tuesday at 6 p.m. on Zoom.
— Gareth Henderson