Gareth Henderson Gareth Henderson

Message of strength

A message that rings true for Vermont came from one of our neighboring states today as it grapples with COVID-19.

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A message that rings true for Vermont came from one of our neighboring states today as it grapples with COVID-19.
Mayor Bill De Blasio of New York City spoke of NYC’s resilience after 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy as proof that it will come back from the pandemic “as a stronger and better city.” He noted their strength has been tested many times, and the city has persevered.
“What has been clear throughout is that what we have here is eternal,” De Blasio said. “What we have built in this city over generations is much bigger and much stronger than has ever been realized.”
Vermont is built with that same kind of fortitude and unshakable, enduring resolve. We have seen kindness shine through and sustain us, even in the darkest hours. The love and compassion that has steadied us through the COVID-19 crisis has been seen before — the response to Tropical Storm being the most recent example — and with our lasting strength as a people, we again rise to the challenge.
To be clear, this crisis is unmatched in its breadth and impact. No state has ever seen its equal. However, Vermont will also emerge “stronger and better” from the pandemic. The indomitable strength of our communities requires it, and we will persevere once again.

— Gareth Henderson

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