A step toward change


When you think of press conferences, the Bible doesn’t usually come to mind. But this quote, recently mentioned at a press briefing in New York, particularly resonated with me amid today’s environment: “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:21)

Let the good in us, overcome the bad in us. Let good take the upper hand and lead us forward. That message is very needed today, as the nation faces racial tensions in the wake of George Floyd’s death. In the aftermath of this tragedy, we all have a role to play for the betterment of society, which includes efforts around equality, inclusion, and constructive community-building. I believe those concepts are all part of creating true justice across the country, and some are beginning to envision what that would take. 

For starters, many are talking about communication. To be part of meaningful change, we have to communicate and connect with others to address racism and other forms of exclusion. Here in Vermont, we’re blessed with close-knit communities where it is easy to talk to one another and have real discussions. With that as a starting point, we can reach out to one another and include those who we may never have spoken with before, those who may be different from us, those we have disagreed with. 

This may seem like a small step to take, when one observes the news coverage of protests, commentators and rife politics. But as some have said in recent days, we all want to live good and peaceful lives. All people have that right. I believe that if we humbly and compassionately connect with each other to begin constructive dialogue, we lay the groundwork for understanding, and healing. We see each other. We build up. We let goodness lead. 

— Gareth Henderson


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