Reflecting on love


It's been three months since Omni Reporter launched. With that realization, my mind raced back to March when the pandemic was so new in Vermont, and I reflected on how we got from there to here. 

There was a rising level of urgent need, blended with a fear and confusion we had to confront. Yet, over the coming weeks, we made progress. The secret behind that progress was no secret, because it was everywhere, even amid the worst of the pandemic. It was love, expressed in kindness and compassion for others. It was a willingness to check on our neighbors and let them know we care. We all remember the various proofs of this unselfed love, seen in every community, day upon day. It was beautiful, and it inspired us to persevere. 

An important part of that approach was the ongoing willingness to follow certain guidelines in daily life, including social distancing and wearing masks, because it was better for the health of the community to do so. At his Monday press briefing, Gov. Phil Scott emphasized that commitment to one another. Though we’ve come a long way, he said, “it will be a while longer before we’re truly back to normal.” 

“But if we continue with the same spirit and commitment ... I know we’ll get through this and be stronger than we were before,” Scott said. 

That loving approach, underpinning our strong commitment to community, is the true foundation of who we are. It includes poise amid adversity and a strong resolve for what is right — qualities which define Vermont. We must keep this in mind as we confront two viruses, COVID-19 and racism. Disagreements may seem to separate us, but a poised sense of love always points toward the best of solutions and shows how connected we really are. The road ahead is long, but Vermont can lead the way on both issues. 

— Gareth Henderson 


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