Woodstock Village enacts indoor masking requirement

Woodstock Village has enacted a masking requirement for all indoor public spaces in the village, and it's effective until Feb. 8. It does not apply to the town.

Village Trustees put the requirement in place by a 4-1 vote this week, out of concern about the surge in the Omicron variant of COVID-19 and the impact on Vermont, according to Trustees Chair Jeff Kahn. He also said the trustees "really want to raise the public consciousness" about masking, social distancing, vaccination, and other ways people can guard against the virus. 

"If you haven't had a booster, the trustees all recommend: Get your booster," Kahn said. 

On Feb. 8, the requirement expires and can be reconsidered by the trustees at that time. 

The new indoor masking requirement does not stipulate a particular kind of mask. Kahn acknowledged that the N95 mask is recommended by the CDC, and added that double-layering masks is indeed an option. 

“Certainly we recommend people use the most efficient masks they can get their hands on,” he said.

— Gareth Henderson


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