Paths converge


Different paths brought us all to where we are now, quite literally. For me, the shutdown has meant staying right here at home in Vermont, where I had already been in the run-up to the state’s stay-at-home order in late March. Many of us saw it coming. 

But for others, it meant staying here indefinitely, postponing that return to home in New York, Boston or points beyond — after extending their weekend stay in Vermont became the safer option. Some ventured north shortly after the state order came down; others are heading this way for the summer, soon. 

It’s important to note: Vermont has seen visitors from out of state for decades. Some have become full-timers, while others have kept a second home here for many years and have also contributed greatly to the community. Obviously what’s new in this situation is, we have a pandemic. That has produced a fear of those coming in from the cities, often the hardest-hit areas. Some feel this more strongly than others, but everyone has seen this expressed. 

Now, the root of that feeling is understandable, given the news reports from other parts of the country. But that is not what matters most. What really counts, is what we do after we feel that first tinge of fear. In that situation, I would appeal to our natural inclination as a community, to treat everyone with love and humanity no matter where they’re from. That kindness has spread through every city and town, through neighbors helping neighbors, and all can be embraced by it. 

To be clear: Everyone should follow the rules the state has laid out. Anyone crossing into Vermont must self-quarantine for 14 days, regardless of their license plate color. That reinforces the idea that to make progress as a community, we all must stick together. It is up to all of us to meet this challenge, as one.

As we move forward, the state keeps reporting progress against COVID-19, and so far this spring, the restrictions have been loosened a little more every week. The most important driver of continued progress, is how we respond as a community — specifically, how we help one another. We can extend that feeling of inclusion to all of our neighbors. We’re here in the same community, and we should take the path ahead together.

— Gareth Henderson


The next big step

