Making progress, together

Vermonters support each other. That’s one of the things I emphasize when talking with people about my state. And today, Saturday, Dec. 17, was an inspiring example. 

During the aftermath of this weekend winter storm, amid many power outages, neighbors who still had warm shelter and water offered it to others. Throughout our local communities, many found willing and helping hands when needs arose. When we offer that kindness and compassion, it makes a challenging day a little brighter, and reminds us that we have each other to count on. As we recognize our community, it’s important to also send a huge thanks to the power crews — from Vermont, Canada, and elsewhere — who are out in the cold and wet trying to restore power. It’s one of the more difficult jobs there is, and we send them our gratitude.

As we reported tonight, power crews have made some headway, but they still have a great deal of work to do. As that work continues, and some neighbors face extended outages, it's a comfort to know we're not alone. Our communities — local, regional and statewide — form a strong network of resources and many good people willing to help those in need. That support sustains our communities, even through the toughest times, and reminds us that goodness is moving forward, and progress will press on.  

— Gareth Henderson


Vt. utility triples field force, issues guidance due to new storm


Crews tackle widespread outages after severe storm