Important week ahead


Vermonters are about to head into a big week, with Monday being the first day in-person retail businesses can open their doors to the public again.

Though that reopening comes with restrictions, it is a day many businesses have eagerly anticipated after two months of shutdown. Lost income from having no foot traffic has put a deep strain on many budgets, and store owners are eager to get some traffic moving, especially with Memorial Day weekend coming up. Even with the 25-percent occupancy limit, any additional business will help these shops make progress.

There is also the social side of the equation. Here in Vermont, local shop owners are also our friends and neighbors. It will be joyful and reassuring for customers to visit with the store owners they haven’t seen in person for weeks, even while social distancing.

For the most part, it appears Vermonters have been following the precautions the state recommends. If that weren’t true, Vermont wouldn’t have the lowest coronavirus growth rate in the U.S. So, let’s pave the way for more reopenings and continue to follow those precautions. Different sectors are gradually getting back to work, and we will stay on that path by being united for the greater good.

— Gareth Henderson


Getting back to it


Another milestone