Goodness still strong, not defeated


The great weight of all that has happened in the U.S. since the pandemic first intensified in March is undeniable, and often overwhelming.

Also undeniable, is the kindness, love and compassion that have together been our rudder through these stormy waves. Indeed, our better attributes have been tough to recognize amid the divisions in the country that seem to deepen each time we turn on the news. This turns me back to a question many asked weeks ago about the acts of kindness that multiplied among neighbors: Will that love last? Will that sense of unity make a long-term difference, leading to more loving, more profound ways of relating to each other?

With so much struggle and political strife, the answer “no” might be plain for many. But I believe there is sufficient momentum for the good, and enough need for progress, that the best in each of us can hold sway over the future. There remains hope for the “yes” column, in spite of the stark difficulties we face as a people. That innate goodness still lives among us.

The fact is, we each have a decision with each step we take. We can choose the direction of progress, starting with learning and understanding more about how we got to this place, and what we can do in our own lives to better society. Every step forward, is a step closer to change, though the steps may feel small at first.

We all have an opportunity to be part of the solutions that move the nation forward. History has urged us to build something stronger together, to seek a new dawn. The lasting hope I feel tells me we will seize the opportunity to be better, though the road is long with obstacles. We’re strong enough, courageous enough to travel it.

— Gareth Henderson


Grants unveiled for health, dairy sectors


Housing aid programs launch this week