A source of enduring strength

A view of Route 12 in Woodstock, Vermont, facing toward Barnard. (Gareth Henderson Photo)

A view of Route 12 in Woodstock, Vermont, facing toward Barnard. (Gareth Henderson Photo)

Whenever there is turbulence in life, it seems we're stuck in a storm trying to struggle our way back to more peaceful waters and calmer shores. What we're really seeking is something to center us.

A sense of constant good can be that guide, even if that quality isn't always obvious to human eyes. It seems to me that, while certain human events can bring some measure of hope and others bring us down, the way to stay centered is to focus on the good we can bring to each day and try to recognize that goodness in other people.

This can be done, even though some days it is tougher than others. Either through seeing it or reading about it, we've all witnessed this year how much people can show goodness, care and love to others at times of need. It's natural for us, to extend that helping hand to a neighbor, including those we don't even know. At the core of it, we are innately good.

As I write that last sentence, I'm reminded of the totality of 2020, and it's daunting, to say the least. The year seems to have wrested our lives out of our control, and progress looks like a fleeting thing. However, in recent months, expressions of good have given lasting hope. We've seen helpers lift others up amid the tumult, we've seen grace and strength resist adversity, we've seen crucially important work empowered to press on despite the circumstances.

These are all expressions of that calm, centering core of our goodness, which points us toward the enduring strength that will see us through these tough times. That good is there as a guide to all of us. The most difficult issues we face will take different forms, but good endures, and helps us each step of the way. No pandemic, no social strife, no political turmoil can ever take that from us. Challenges can give us the courage to rely on the best within us, and that’s a strength we can always call on.

— Gareth Henderson


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