A bit of good news


It’s always a plus to start your week with some good news, and a story of someone pursuing their dream certainly fits the bill.

It was uplifting to hear about Clayton Ward, a bus driver so inspired by the kids he was driving that he is pursuing a teaching career. He’s looking to teach history — a passion of his — at the high school level and is heading back to school himself to chase that dream. He hopes to be teaching in a classroom sometime in the next five to six years, Ward tells Good Morning America. He encouraged people not to give up on their dream. 

“Whatever it is, just go and chase it,” he says.

This story was a welcome break from the regular news cycle and its barrage of heavy topics. One has to be in the know as a journalist, but there truly are a lot of good things happening out there. That is true in Vermont, in New England, and well beyond the region. 

One of the best things about being a journalist is having the opportunities to share uplifting news, and share it widely. We just have to keep our eyes peeled, and our ears to the ground. There’s plenty of goodness to go around, and it’s there to inspire each of us to be a force for good in the world. That’s the most natural thing we do.

— Gareth Henderson


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