Sharing a season, sharing joy
A glimmer of sunlight shines through a crab apple tree in Woodstock, Vt., during the first week of fall. (Gareth Henderson Photo)
Fall is everywhere, and so are the leaves, as they tumble to the ground one by one. Feeling the deepening cool of the autumn evenings, I’m reminded that this time of year is so rich in its blending of contrasts. The differences in color can be stark, but they also meld together into one harmonious whole, forming a complete, perfect picture.
In Vermont and nearby, we’re getting used to this transition time of year again, which sometimes requires some flexibility of wardrobe, depending on how much the night cools down and how much the next day warms up. But of course we aren’t the only ones facing the severe variance of early fall temperatures. Georgia’s enjoying it, too, as I was reminded by CNN’s witty “The Good Stuff” column this morning. Here’s an excerpt:
“It's officially fall, which means here in Georgia, it's 45 degrees in the morning and 75 degrees in the afternoon. If you've never experienced fall in the South, it goes like this: The first marginally cool day of the season hits, and people immediately break out their cute boots and sweaters and scarves. They switch from iced lattes to hot ones. They talk excitedly about how nice it is outside ... and then they're back in T-shirts and sweating by noon.”
The temperatures can be a little different than that up here in Vermont, but we know something about the struggles of getting used to a new season. Between such different states, there are of course little experiences like this that we share. The new season is here for everyone, and the foliage is brightening. As the cold deepens and the colors turn, let’s embrace the happiness that nature’s brilliance inspires and extend that feeling to others. That joy is something precious, something unlimited and as bright as the colors of an autumn mountain. And we all can share it, wherever we are.
— Gareth Henderson