Simple things
Squash plants on the author’s back deck soak up water and sunlight on Wednesday afternoon, moments after a chickadee evaded the spotlight. (Gareth Henderson Photo)
If I had my camera in my hands, with a long lens on, I might have been able to snap a photo of a chickadee having a snack on the back-porch bird feeder Wednesday afternoon at 3:30.
As you might guess, the bird flew off as soon as I moved to grab the camera 12 feet from the window.
Seconds later, I marveled that I had a chance at that photo at all. I’m usually not home at 3:30 — ever. It was a small example of how much our routines have changed during this time of self-isolation. And it reminded me that this time is compelling everyone to think about things they rarely noticed in their usual daily shuffle — some of them simple things that always mattered.
For sure, recent weeks have brought tough moments for everyone. Reminders of the pandemic’s impact are constant. At the same time, we’ve turned our eyes more keenly to the love being expressed as people lift each other up. We see volunteers giving food to neighbors in need, we hear about long bus routes for delivering lunches to school children, and we read about local efforts to raise money to help the unemployed. Examples of unselfish deeds are quite literally everywhere. They are often simple deeds, but meaningful and profound for giver and recipient alike. Layer by layer, they serve to build up positive community connections.
Who knows exactly where we’ll end up as a society, but our acts of kindness point us to a better place. We build real progress together, step by step. And along the way, sometimes it helps to notice the simple things.
— Gareth Henderson